Hello This Is My Story

My name is Jess Dyson. At the age of 14 I was diagnosed with Anorexia after some people had made comments about my weight. I was told that I was going to do die unless I started to fight. On the day I was meant to be hospitalised my dance crew got wild carded through to nationals which gave me hope that my life could be different and gave me something to fight for. It was a hard and relentless battle but I learnt a lot of helpful tools along the way and I discovered that there was a bigger purpose for my life than my Eating Disorder.

I have now been fully recovered for 13 years. Both of my sisters have been through Eating Disorders, so I know what it is like to be someone struggling with it but also know what it is like to have a loved one struggling. I founded Tears of Hope which hosted a number of events around the country providing a platform to share hope and mentor people. Through this we saw many people find freedom and purpose.

About Recovery Coaching

I am passionate about bringing hope into the battle of Eating Disorders and equipping people with tools for recovery because I believe that recovery is possible for everyone.

After working as a therapist in Eating Disorders I noticed a gap in treatment. I would have clients agree to goals in sessions but they were unable to implement their goals for recovery at home by themselves as it takes an army. Recovery Coaching is the ‘how’ in treatment. It is support and help in the practical day to day battles you have to face in order to reach your recovery goals. It is not limited to one session per week or limited to certain times but it is in the moment support to help you have small victories in large battles. A big part of coaching is helping you identify the Eating Disorder and then learning to operate from a place of health instead of the eating disorder.

At Auckland University I studied a Bachelor of Social Work and completed post graduate study in Child and Adolescent Mental Health. During my career I have also completed specialised training in a number of Eating Disorder treatments and trainings around body image. Working for Auckland District Health Board in General Mental Health and for the Auckland Regional Eating Disorder Service as a Therapist has helped fuel my passion and commitment to seeing people recover.

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