The Courage to Fight

If you are on this page right now things must be pretty hard for you. Either you are in the battle yourself or you know of someone in the battle and your heart is breaking.

I remember been in the thick of the battle and I would stay up late at night looking for stories of hope and songs which brought me comfort. Comfort that things could change, that if there was hope for them there could be hope for me too. My mum also spent countless nights on the internet researching how to help me and trying to understand what I was going through. 

It takes courage to fight. 

If you are in it, it takes courage to let go of what feels ‘safe’ (even though it is not safe at all) and embrace the unknown. It takes courage to let go of control and hand it over to those who can help you. It takes courage to choose to fight when you can’t imagine life been better on the other-side (trust me it is), It takes courage to fight fear head on. 

If you are a parent it takes courage to fight for your child or loved one seeing the fear, distress and guilt in their lives become real as you do. Seeing them lose things in life (remember it’s anorexia taking them away not you). I did not like my parents at all as they fought for me instead I saw them as the enemy but I am so THANKFUL that they did because I now get to live in freedom. 

Yes , there will be anxiety 
Yes, there will be distress 
Yes, there will be guilt 
Yes, the thoughts will get louder 
Yes, the body image distortion will become more worse 

But the only way to freedom is through these things. Avoidance will lead you nowhere good but make these stronger in the long term where as facing them although they will get more intense initially, they will begin to fade and you will find yourself living without them. 

There is nothing easy or nice about the recovery journey and in the short term it is hell but freedom is oh so worth the path of recovery. 

You can do this. I believe in you. 


10 Reasons you should choose recovery.